A thick layer of fog blanketed Delhi on Sunday morning causing disruption in the flight and train services in the national capital. The city also witnessed cold waves and temperature dip in the morning. Several flights are delayed at Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi, due to fog.
“While landings and take-offs continue at Delhi Airport, flights that are not CAT III compliant may get affected. Passengers are requested to contact the airline concerned for updated flight information. Any inconvenience caused is deeply regretted,” Delhi Airport said in an advisory posted on X. According to the India Meteorological Department, Delhi recorded 10 degrees Celsius at 5.30 am on Sunday. At this time yesterday, the city’s temperature was 10.2 degrees Celsius. Several trains are running late at New Delhi railway station due to fog. Meanwhile, the air quality in Delhi continued in the ‘very poor’ category.
According to the Central Pollution Control Board, the AQI was recorded at 377 in Delhi today at 6 am. Yesterday at the same time it was 385. An AQI between zero and 50 is considered ‘good,’ 51 and 100 ‘satisfactory,’ 101 and 200 ‘moderate,’ 201 and 300 ‘poor,’ 301 and 400 ‘very poor,’ and 401 and 500 ‘severe.
‘As the harsh winter continued many homeless people were seen staying at night shelters. Several people were seen taking refuge in a night shelter home set up in Bhikaji Cama Place. The Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board (DUSIB) has set up 235 pagoda tents to provide shelter to homeless people. Night shelters have been set up in several areas of the national capital, including AIIMS, Lodhi Road, and Nizamuddin flyover.In response to the chilly weather, residents of the capital were seen gathering around bonfires.
Many North Indian states experienced similar weather on Sunday morning with dense layers of fog and cold waves. In Uttar Pradesh’s capital Lucknow, the temperature was recorded at 11 degrees Celsius at 5.30 am Sunday. Jammu and Kashmir’s capital recorded -1 degrees Celsius at 5.30 am on Sunday. Chandigarh recorded 9.1 degrees Celsius at 5.30 am today.