TSIC launches Mission 10X-SIGs to support early-stage startups


The Telangana State Innovation Cell (TSIC) has launched the second cohort of Mission 10X-Special Interest Groups (SIGs). 

The Cell – TSIC (A network of incubators and accelerators across Telangana) announces Mission 10X-SIGs, a scaleup program for early revenue startups

T-Incubators and Accelerators consortium of TSIC will run the the six-month scale-up programme for early-stage startups. 

T-Hub, Research and Innovation Circle of Hyderabad (RICH), IIIT-Hyderabad, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, IKP Knowledge Park and a few other oranisations are also part of the organising team.

The programme offers market strategy, corporate market reviews, customer connects and funding opportunities to the shortlisted startups. 

“Mission 10X-SIGs is open for startups with a market fit product/early traction emerging in AgriTech, MedTech and DeepTech sectors,” Shanta Thoutam, Chief Innovation Officer of Telangana and Head of TSIC, said.

All the shortlisted startups will go through a month of mentoring to review their product strategy, overall go-to-market approach and corporate pitch readiness and refine these elements to address the present business climate and constraints.

“This tailor-made programme will focus on providing scaling opportunities including industry connects and market readiness,” she said.

In the first edition, six startups each from deeptech and medtech participated. 


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