Tackle the heat with these regional delicacies


Have you ever tried our very own beverages that cool down our body heat? Let’s talk South, and try these summer coolants popular in Telangana.

Published Date – 06:50 PM, Mon – 12 June 23

Tackle the heat with these regional delicacies

Hyderabad: We’ve all heard enough about ‘Aam Panna’ and ‘Jal-jeera’ to help us brace ourselves against the sweltering summer heat. But have you ever tried our very own beverages that cool down our body? Let’s talk South, and try these summer coolants popular in Telangana.


A traditional South Indian cooler, Panakam is a concoction of jaggery, water, ginger and cardamom. Known for its popular cooling properties, it is the perfect drink to beat the heat.


This unique dish calls for your patience, as it needs to be fermented overnight. Essentially a bowl of cooked rice mixed with curd or buttermilk, topped off with onions and green chillies, it makes for a cooling breakfast to bear the heat through the day.

Salla Charu

A spicy buttermilk made with sour curd, and tempering consisting of mustard, red chillies, curry leaves and coriander leaves, Salla Charu is an amazing dish that can go with rice or be had as a drink too.

Pacchi Pulusu

On the other hand, the raw tamarind rasam called Pacchi Pulusu is Telangana’s favourite dish, made with raw tamarind juice made thin by mixing it with lots of water. An addition of raw crunchy onions and chillies, and a tempering of mustard and jeera seeds makes it perfect to be eaten with rice.

Menthi Majjiga

Buttermilk flavoured with roasted fenugreek seed powder, green chillies, ginger and tempered with mustard seeds and fresh curry leaves. Eaten with rice or drank as it is, it is fresh and full of life!

As nostalgic as they sound, they remind us of our very own rich cuisine.

— Hannah Judith


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