Daily Horoscope: Know your astrological predictions March 7, 2025. May the day bring you joy and contentment.
Published Date – 7 March 2025, 06:30 AM

Aries (March 21-April 20):
With ruling entity Mars maintaining a low profile in Cancer, you may find it difficult to extend solid support to people who depend on you. You may want to do more for others and stand by them in difficult times, but you would realise your hands are tied up due to financial constraints. However, you may feel ashamed to convey your inability openly.
Taurus (April 21-May 21):
Financial issues may be your concern. As Moon in the financial zone gets influenced by multiple celestial entities, you may get indications of the financial status moving towards lowest ebb, at least temporarily. You may be under pressure to shoulder responsibilities of siblings, and this may pose additional burden on you. You may seriously look for alternative sources of income.
Gemini (May 22-June 21):
With Northern Node and Saturn guarding professional activity, you may tend to look for revenues from new sources. You may also plan to tie up with new persons or organisations in the process of taking up new activity. It would be better if you plan to tie up with equals for maintaining team spirit and limiting the enthusiasm to the minimum.
Cancer (June 22-July 22):
With debilitated Mars in ruling quarters, you may feel you are like fuel that can ignite or extinguish fires. This means your intelligence is rich with wisdom and reasoning. With ruling entity Moon making rounds in comforts zone in the company of Jupiter, you have a responsibility to correct the mistakes of others around. Don’t give up your responsibilities.
Leo (July 23-Aug 23):
With ruling entity Sun moving in the watery regions of the natural zodiac in the company of Saturn, you may turn highly selfish, and your aims and objectives would become very important. You may not mind that your decisions and actions may turn detrimental to others’ interests. Don’t get angry if someone says your decisions don’t befit your stature. You will look determined.
Virgo (Aug 24-Sept 23):
Venus in celestial sphere of secondary financial matters may turn you envious. You may think of the opulence of colleagues or friends and develop ill-feelings. Comparing your living style with theirs, you may feel you are lagging behind. But are you putting in as much hard work as they do? Compare yourself with them in all respects. That would be the right thing.
Libra (Sept 24-Oct 23):
An aggressive Southern Node in the celestial zone of discomforts may force you to maintain a low profile in most respects. Without your involvement, certain resources may go out of control and subject you to some limitations. You may be under pressure to reduce the scope of the day’s targets and enhance the deadlines. You may be fumbled by practicalities.
Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22):
Influence of Northern Node on ruling quarters and debilitation of Mars can turn you restive. At home and the workplace, there may be no takers for your ideas and people around may not be ready to share their ideas with you. On the financial front, volume of secret revenues may drastically come down and this may keep worrying you.
Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21):
Presence of Saturn and Sun in the celestial zone of your thought process may force you to get in touch with old friends. Your old habits may keep you occupied as you prefer to spend time in their company. In the process, you may forget an important task entrusted to you by family or superiors. Your actions may be faulted by others for many reasons.
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20):
Debilitated Mars in the opposite ruling quarters may reduce the intensity of your desires. You may feel happy and satisfied with what you have and with what you do. In fact, it could be the best policy for anyone, but you should be able to stick to it. Keep off comparing yourself with other people, who you think are better placed than you, to stick to your policy.
Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb 19):
With both Saturn and Northern Node influencing the work zone, you may miss major appointments. If you are trying to clinch business agreements, last-minute hurdles may hold you up from clinching matters. If you are travelling to serve personal or professional purposes, obstacles may mar your journey resulting in delay. The day may leave you disappointed.
Pisces (Feb 20-March 20):
You may be prompt in payment of taxes. But, with debilitated Mars having a say in financial matters, you may be faulted for altering accounts or presenting misleading facts to reduce tax burden. If you are involved in tax disputes, more issues may complicate matters for you. Try to be truthful in paying your taxes. Positive financial actions may result in positive benefits.