Eyelashes keep vision clear by repelling water


Eyelashes consist of hydrophobic curve that allows them to efficiently expel liquid, ensuring clear vision under challenging conditions

Published Date – 27 December 2024, 06:28 PM

Eyelashes keep vision clear by repelling water
Representative image.

Hyderabad: Eyelashes have long been recognised for their protective role, shielding the eyes from debris and aiding in vision. However, a recent study sheds new light on their unique structure and function, revealing that eyelashes also play an active role in repelling water.

Eyelashes consist of a hydrophobic, curved, and flexible array of fibers, designed with surface micro-ratchets and a curvature resembling the Brachistochrone curve. This innovative structure allows them to efficiently expel liquid, ensuring clear vision under challenging conditions. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, eyelashes serve as a natural barrier, directing water away from the eyes.

Researchers explored three key aspects of eyelashes: their physical structure, water resistance, and ability to drain water. The hydrophobic and curved design prevents water from lingering on the lashes, while their elasticity and asymmetrical properties control the direction and flow of liquid. Computational modeling further demonstrated how these features allow eyelashes to quickly redirect water.

These insights have practical applications. They’ve inspired water-repellent false eyelashes, combining functionality and beauty, as well as waterproof imaging devices and ventilated structures that mimic eyelash design. This research bridges biology and technology, showcasing how natural innovations can lead to advancements in diverse fields.

Hygiene tips

-Wash hands before and after touching the eyes

-Clean your glasses regularly

-Avoid sleeping in contact lenses


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