AP Govt to fill 3,300 vacant teaching positions in universities


Andhra Pradesh Government is working on taking up recruitment of 3,300 teaching positions in the 17 universities in the State soon.

The scrutiny of applications for Vice-Chancellors (VCs) of the universities is currently under process and filling vacant teaching positions in the universities will be taken up after completion of VC appointments, according to official sources. 

There has been no recruitment in the State universities for over a decade. Even though the previous YSR Congress Government had initiated a new common process of recruitment for all vacant university positions, the process ran into legal tangles on the allegations of irregularities as well resistance from some universities with an argument that a degree of autonomy should be enjoyed by the universities in recruitment for positions in higher education, especially those above assistant professor cadre. 

The new NDA government is also in the process of streamlining university management with an aim to keep universities away from politics. Last week, a noted academician Professor Madhu Murthy, currently a member of the Warangal NEET Board of Governors, was appointed as Chairman of Andhra Pradesh Higher Education Council.

This also clears the way for the appointment of VCs and other measures to strengthen state universities as the APSCHE Chairman Post was vacant for almost five months following the resignation of as the previous chairman Hema Chandra Reddy after the YSR Congress Party lost mandate in the state assembly elections held in May this year.


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