KRMB likely to take over operational control of NSP, Srisailam


The Ministry of Jal Shakti has taken a serious view of the row over water sharing at Nagarjuna Sagar Project between Telangana and Andhra Pradesh

Published Date – 06:21 PM, Thu – 7 December 23

KRMB likely to take over operational control of NSP, Srisailam

Hyderabad: Amid growing tensions between the two Telugu States over sharing of Krishna water, moves are afoot to relieve them of the operational control of joint irrigation projects.

The stage has been set for handing over the control of the Nagarjuna Sagar Project and the Srisailam Project to the Krishna River Management Board. The Ministry of Jal Shakti has taken a serious view of the row over water sharing at Nagarjuna Sagar Project between Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

AP had forcibly taken control of the dam and operation of its right main canal head regulator and half of the crest gates for almost one week while the police forces deployed by the government of Telangana were away on election duty. It called for the intervention of the Ministry of Home to ward off a showdown between the two States.

As desired by the Home Secretary, Ajay Kumar Bhalla, the dam security was handed over to CRPF and status quo was restored at the dam to pre-November 28 status. The NSP right canal head regulator was closed and the water drawl by AP was also stopped forthwith. The Ministry of Jal Shakti has been tasked with conflict resolution.

As part of the quest for a lasting solution, the Secretary water resources, Debashree Mukherjee had convened a meeting of the Chief Secretaries of both states on December 6. But it was rescheduled to December 8 in view of the impact Michaung Cyclone in the two states. But the meeting is likely to be put off once again due to the change of government in Telangana.

“We are in no hurry for any kind of talks over the operation of irrigation projects. The Chief Secretary and other top officials are preoccupied with their protocols of general administration at this moment. The new political executives need to settle down. The New Irrigation Minister has to be appraised of the issues involved and he had to take the final call on this,” said a top official of the Irrigation Department.

The main issue on the agenda of the high level meeting was the operational control of the Nagarjuna Sagar project only. But if the union Ministry of Jal Shakti is keen on any modifications, it will apply for both the Nagarjuna Sagar and Srisailam Project. The two projects were placed under the operational control of TS and AP respectively.

As many as 36 irrigation projects are under the purview of the Krishna River Management Board. They include eight joint projects such as Nagarjuasagar, Srisailam, Jurala, Rajolibanda Diversion scheme, Sunkesula Barrage, NSP Tailpond, Pulichintala and Tugabhadra Project high level and Low level.

More details:

TS, AP to lose operational control of joint projects
CRPF protection likely to be extended to Srisailam too.
KRMB has 36 projects under its purview
Surveillance at eight joint projects to be stepped up.


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